Saturday, August 18, 2012

Dig Up Your Dreams

Book Excerpt: Get Off the Gerbil Wheel: A Remarkable Way to Stop Running and Going Nowhere in Life by author Jason Daniels

What dream have you buried? What unexplain­able passion have you stuffed in the back of your mind? What issues from your past are keeping you from celebrating life to the fullest, embarking on the voyage toward “the best you”? What words have you heard from your mother, father, grandparent, aunt, uncle, or friend that paralyzed you and kept you from developing a business plan, applying to graduate school, enjoying a successful and fulfilling relationship, living a life of truth, selecting a faith community, getting out of debt, losing weight, or something as simple as displaying your artwork for the world to see?

Just as sure as you’re reading this, you know you’re ready for a change. Every fiber in your body is tuned in to your pursuit of happiness. You can’t deny your longing for contentment, your desire to move from good to great, or your overwhelming need to say “yes” to your heart’s desire. So stop resisting.

You know everything there is to know about the gerbil wheel. For some time now, you’ve lived with the squeak of your wheel. You know how that squeak bothers you most when you’re trying to sleep— always reminding you of your dreams, begging you to get off the wheel.

Like a puppy pulling at your shoelaces, your dreams are constantly trying to get your atten­tion. You know the feel­ing—you lose your balance and feel that tug throughout your entire body. Your passion is calling your name. Your business is calling your name. Your future is calling your name. Your desire is calling your name. The whole earth is calling your name!

So jump off the wheel and quickly pursue the life you have been waiting for.
Do it today… the timing is perfect.

Visit for more information or to order a copy of the book.

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