Monday, October 5, 2009


I don’t think that there are too many people who have not heard this phrase before. If they have not heard it, they may have seen it on several occasions. This phrase normally means Pray Until Something Happens. However, I want to put a new version of it out there: Pursue Until Something Happens. Too often we as Christian men, and men in general, tend to back off if nothing happens in the timeframe that we have so graciously “allotted” for something to manifest. We will usually say that it wasn’t meant to be if it doesn’t happen. But I believe that we have forgotten to pursue, literally go after, that which we know should happen. For those who are married or in a committed relationship, this concept was most prevalent in chasing our mate. Pursue my friend, pursue. A piece of advice: do not mistake God’s delay for denial.

1 comment:

  1. Once again, great post brother! But how do you know when to say when?

    Like how long do you pursue until it's time to just cut your losses and do some "addition via subtraction"?

    To be honest, that's what I'm battling with right now; just when do I say when?
