Thursday, August 27, 2009

When you fall ..... RISE

The Bible declares in Proverbs 24:16, "A righteous man falleth seven times, but rises again......." Many times as African American men, we find ourselves in a place we seldomly like to be in: the past. We did not journey there ourselves. We more than likely have been placed there against our will by words that have been said that transported somewhere we tried long to forget. We then dwell there, sometimes unknowingly, reminiscing and replaying the event all while thinking how things could have gone differently.

My brother, take heed to the opening scripture. We WILL fall.....even the most assured and careful and just man will. It isnt done purposely, for human nature dictates it. But the one who exhibits wisdom will rise again, dust himself off, and resume on with his life. Live my brother. Live your life.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Salute .......

Too many times we hear about the negative side of our brothers and not enough of the positive.We often talk about the prison population, but not enough of the percentage of black men enrolling into college, no matter the figure. We often talk about those that stand on the corner all day, but hardly mention those who are at work all day and then go home to their families. We talk about the ones who don't want to make a difference with their lives, but hardly talk about those whose life made a difference and continues to make a difference. So to my brethren, I say keep your head up.....keep fighting the good fight. If no one else applauds you, I, your brother, salute you.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

QUOTE from Lavelle Eagle

Be careful of whose hands you place your desire of be elevated by man is to be exposed to downnfall. But to be elevated by the hand of the Lord is to watch humility in its finest hour.

Monday, August 3, 2009

To Be Used for God's Glory ..........

When we say that we want to be used for the glory of God, do we really understand what we are really asking? I was once told that we as the saints of God carry His glory. That simply means that we carry Him and His power everywhere we go. But what happens when we enter into a place that does not resemble who we are? Now this doesn't necessarily mean a physical building. How about when we enter into a trial or a tribulation; a situation or a circumstance that we have no clue on how to get out of? Remember two things: the Word declares that, "the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and he delighteth in his way" and " The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished". God knows exactly what he is doing, for remember that a piece of Him is deposited in you. When God has received a total commitment from you, He shall indeed test you. If we can test Him at His word concerning our finances, does he not reserve the right to test us concerning life? After all, he is the "author and finisher of our faith". But be not discouraged, for "all things work together for GOOD for them that love the Lord and are the called according to his purpose".